Dr. Friday Radio Show – August 10, 2024

The Dr. Friday Radio Show
The Dr. Friday Radio Show
Dr. Friday Radio Show - August 10, 2024

In this episode of the Dr. Friday Show, financial counselor and tax consultant Dr. Friday discusses various tax-related topics, including recent changes to tax laws, retirement contributions, and inheritance issues. She also takes calls from listeners, addressing their specific tax concerns and questions.

Topics covered:

  • Changes to tax brackets and standard deductions after 2025
  • The end of the “stretch IRA” and new rules for inherited IRAs
  • Business Owner Information (BOI) filing requirements
  • Cryptocurrency reporting for businesses
  • Contributions to 401(k)s and SEPs for individuals over 70
  • Inheritance and basis step-up for inherited property
  • Dealing with IRS payment issues and correspondence
  • Tax implications for retirees and Social Security recipients
  • Planning for tax changes when filing status changes due to spouse’s death


00:00.001 –> 00:06.760
No, no, no, she’s not a medical doctor, but she can sure cure your tax problems or your
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financial woes.
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She’s the how-to girl.
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It’s the Dr. Friday Show.
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If you have a question for Dr. Friday, call her now, 737-WWTN.
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That’s 737-9986.
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So here’s your host, financial counselor and tax consultant, Dr. Friday.
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Good day, I’m Dr. Friday and the doctor is in the house.
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It is an awesome Saturday going on outside.
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Hopefully you’re able to enjoy it.
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But it’s time to talk a bit about taxes.
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You know how I love taxes.
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We’ve been doing this about 15 years together, guys.
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So it is something we have a good time doing.
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If you have a question, maybe you’ve inherited some properties or maybe you want to convert
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or you have converted some 401ks or something along those lines, thinking about selling
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out some stock, how will that affect your taxes?
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I can give you some rough ideas.
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Remember the information I’m giving to you is an outline.
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You need to go to your tax professional and make sure the information is appliable to
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01:12.480 –> 01:16.840
But I will do my best to lead you in the right direction so that you don’t make decisions.
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Always better to ask these questions before you go and do them.
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If you’ve purchased some land and now you decide you want to turn around and sell that
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land, it may be a good time to think if this is not a primary home, maybe I should be doing
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a 1031 so you’re not paying taxes.
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Or maybe you’d rather pay the taxes and get the IRS out of your investments.
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There is all kinds of trains of thoughts, but I can help you with how the tax changes
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are happening.
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We are in 2024.
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And remember, the Tax Cut and Job Act ends at the end of 2025.
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So we are at the last year and a half or so of the current tax code.
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No one has any idea what’s going to happen after this election and probably depends on
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who wins this election.
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But we need to always take into account that we know that there are some things that could
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happen and we’re going to cover some of those things that may come into effect and when
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it’s going to change.
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The end of 2025 was when the current tax code sunsets, right?
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And so there are several different things.
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One of the big ones is the federal tax brackets, right?
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We go from the current 12% back up to 15, the current 22 back up to 25.
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Our highest is 37 and we’re going to go up to 39.
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So across the board, everybody is going to be hit with a higher amount of tax come January
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of 2026, which isn’t too far off, guys.
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If you’ve got a question, sorry, you can join the show at 615-737-9986.
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Also one of the things that will change is our standard deduction.
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As we know, the standard deduction doubled when this tax act came into play.
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Pretty much increased it from like 12, it’s 24 now.
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We’re almost at 30,000 for a single, I’m sorry, for a married couple and 15, 16,000 for a
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single individual.
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So that could go back to what it was prior, which means that the standard deduction would
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pretty much split in half and then more people would have to go back to trying to itemize.
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Don’t know if this is going to happen, but it’s on the table.
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It will sunset at the end of 2025.
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So it will also increase the SALT tax, the mortgage interest.
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Some of those have changed.
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So some of those will be better for some, especially some of the people come from other
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states that have higher income tax.
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Tennessee, we’ve been very lucky.
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We’ve managed to keep the state income tax out of our situation.
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And so we don’t pay as much, but if you come from California, New York, or any of the state
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bearing tax issues, then you probably would like to see that change because my brother
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lives in California and he probably lost about $30,000 off of his itemizing when that changed
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because of his state income tax.
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So that’s a big chunk.
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So if you’re from those areas, you probably are looking forward to that.
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The good news is the stock position change for the Secure Act increased the IRA caps,
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the 529 plan.
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So we also have the Secure Act of 2.0, which did some things to help us catch up on if
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we hadn’t been doing retirement.
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If you hadn’t put money aside earlier in your life because life was not easy, then it could
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04:45.320 –> 04:53.800
So the tax act of 2023 or whatever, lowered the capital gains rates.
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It separated tax brackets, assets held for long-term qualified.
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It went to zero, 15 and 20.
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It also retained the 3.8 net investment tax.
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Guys, I can’t tell you how many individuals come in and they have sold something.
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They’ve got something and they’ve got a big chunk, right?
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They made 400,000 profit or even anything over about 250 for a married couple, anything
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over 200, including your income.
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There is never, because when people think of capital gains, they don’t think of the
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net investment tax, but you should.
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Because the net investment tax is almost tied directly to capital gains.
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So anytime you have a larger gain situation or you happen to be in a higher income bracket
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and you do have capital gains, the likeliness is you could get hit instead of the 15% tax
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bracket, it’s actually going to be 18.8 instead of the 20% tax bracket for capital gains.
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You could be 23.8 and that 4% almost 3.8% when it’s on a higher dollar amount, it throws
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05:59.900 –> 06:04.220
I mean, I had a guy that came in and he did not have $16,000 difference and he did not
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ever been told about this.
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He obviously hadn’t been listening to my radio because let’s be honest guys, I’ve talked
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about this across the board.
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I don’t even quote basically.
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I always say 15, 18.8 and 23.8 because there really isn’t a difference as far as I’m concerned.
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There are certain things that may not go quite so high.
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The 0% capital gains rate is wonderful, but it really only applies to a single person
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that has $55,000, including all their other income in there or a married couple of about
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110, again, including all of your other income.
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So it’d have to be a fairly small capital gains or you happen to not have a lot of other
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So you’re able to maximize that situation when it comes into play.
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So that’s the wonderful situation.
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So let’s see here.
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So actually here, 2023 capital gains.
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So in 2024, if you’re single, you can make up to 47 plus the standard deduction of 14.
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So that is $61,000 basically you can do.
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And a married couple, they can have 94 and 28, so 22, 122.
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So that’s a little shy.
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But you can have the zero.
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And then the 15% actually goes all the way up to 518 for a single person.
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And here’s the marriage penalty and 583 for a married.
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So single 518, married 583.
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But keep in mind when you went from 47 roughly as a single person to 200, everything above
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that 200 now has that 3.8.
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Same thing for a married couple, anything.
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So you can have zero and then you have the 15% up from 47 to 250, then everything above
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that is going to be 18.8.
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And then, you know, obviously once you get over those numbers, you start getting into
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the 20% tax bracket.
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Let’s see here, under age 17, they still have the $2,000 for the child.
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That is in the year that your child turns 17.
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So if your child on December 31st turns 17, that means you’re no longer, that child is
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over the age of 17 or 17 and older.
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So you will get $500 versus if that child is, I would say 16 and under, you get $2,000.
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I never understood that one guys.
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It’s not something I’m going to be able to justify because to me, most children don’t
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graduate high school at the earliest is 17.
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Most of the time, and sometimes it’s 18.
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So if the child is still your dependent, and even after that, they’re likely to be your
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08:52.660 –> 08:59.020
So the IRS, I actually asked this at a meeting, gosh, years ago of a revenue officer.
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I said, what’s the difference?
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Why not make that 18, you know, in the year in which you turn 18 instead of 17?
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And their answer to me was the age of a 17 year old, they have the ability to go to work.
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Therefore, they can participate in helping the family.
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I don’t know about that, but that’s the answer that that was given.
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So that’s important for everyone, I guess.
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Don’t forget, we still have available the catch up for your HSA and your IRAs, right?
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So you in a health savings account, if you’re 50 and older, you can play catch up and add
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an additional $1,000.
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And then on a IRA, I believe it’s the same thing, an additional $1,000.
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So if you’re 50 and older, you can play catch up or you can just contribute more money to
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retirement, trying to help you maximize what you have and where you’re going with that.
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So these are important changes or really just what’s coming down in 2024.
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We want to make sure that we are maximizing what we have.
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I am not a financial advisor.
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I want to put that out there because I get a lot of emails for people that say, well,
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I want to convert my IRA.
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And I understand in those situations, if you’re converting your IRA, you do want to talk to
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a tax person because you want to know how much money is it going to cost if I decide
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to convert this.
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But I don’t give advice at all on what kind of investment, who should contribute to a
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standard IRA or a Roth IRA.
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That is for an expert that’s in financial planning.
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I am not that individual.
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So also want to bring up the fact that in 20…
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Remember when we had the SECURED Act in 2019, it eliminated the so-called stretch IRA.
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So when you inherit an IRA, there is 10 years that you have to take all of your money out,
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you have to take the requirement on distribution, but you don’t have to clean it out to the
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last day of the 10 years.
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Used to be that it used to stretch over your lifetime and it would then go to the next
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person inherited and they would stretch it over their lifetime.
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And it was a way of inheriting money, but you wouldn’t have to actually take it out.
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The IRS is now basically saying we want all of our money.
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And keep in mind in a traditional IRA, in the idea of the stretch, the IRS would very
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rarely get all of their money in anyone’s lifetime, right?
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Because it was stretching over and smart families just allowed it to keep rolling over and you
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kept having an inherited IRA.
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But the IRS is, well, money hungry, right?
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So they’re having enough troubles paying their bills.
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So one of the things they said is, “Oh, wait, let’s get all the people that have IRAs and
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they pass away.
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Within 10 years, we’re going to get our taxes.”
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So I mean, that’s millions if not billions and trillions of dollars that they would be
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actually be getting because I mean, a lot of people have IRAs or 401ks or any of those
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kind of traditional situations.
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So it’s just really important to make sure you understand that when you leave this to
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your children, they will be locked into having to take that money out.
11:55.820 –> 12:00.420
So talking to a good financial planner that might turn around and say, “Hey, you know
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12:01.420 –> 12:06.860
Maybe we should do a conversion or maybe we should do something now to try to leave that
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tax burden to your family member would be a good idea.”
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All right, we’re getting ready to take our first break.
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Again, if you want to join the show, you can.
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615-737-9986 is the number here in the studio.
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We’ll be right back with the Dr. Friday Show.
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All righty.
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We are back here live in studio.
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I didn’t hear the break.
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That was my fault.
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All right.
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So if you want to join the show, you can at 615-737-9986.
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12:53.260 –> 12:58.140
Taking your calls, talking about all important things when it comes to taxes.
12:58.140 –> 13:02.180
And probably one of the biggest things starting in 24, you might want to start thinking about
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a state tax and creating a gifting plan.
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Because without any further legislation, if Congress follows the sunset of the Tax Act,
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the state tax exclusion will revert to its previous levels of 5.6 million for current
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level, which is 12.92 for a single individual.
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That’s kind of huge, right?
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I mean, if your state is already close to 5 million, let’s just say, and with homes
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and real estate and investments, it’s certainly not outside.
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12 million would be difficult for a lot of us, but 5 million, not necessarily.
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And so if you don’t have a good plan, and this is when I talk to individuals that really
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should go to a financial planner.
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They’re going to know these things.
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They’re also going to talk to you about maybe the gifting, what you need to be doing about
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gifting each year.
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It increased 2024, it’ll be 18,000.
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So right now you’re able to give up to $18,000 to anyone actually.
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But let’s say that you want to help one of your kids or your child to buy a house.
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I had one just recently where the parents, they put the down payment on the house and
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they did it through a gifting.
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And so the 18,000 that each of them can give their son was $36,000.
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The difference, the amount above that, all we have to do is file a gift tax return.
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And then that money will come out of their lifetime of gifting.
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And so it’s not taxable.
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The only person that would ever pay tax on gifting is the person that is giving it.
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So if you were to go take money out of your IRA, you’re going to have to pay tax first
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and then gift it to whoever you want to do.
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If you win the lottery, here’s an example of a client I know, won the lottery and was
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so thankful he started gifting the money out to his family before he paid Uncle Sam.
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Not the best plan in the world because he pretty much gave it all away.
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So he put himself into a really tight, unexpected situation.
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So do not, I mean, there’s nothing wrong with doing that.
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It’s just make sure you pay Uncle Sam before you turn around and have to pay the taxes.
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Well, nothing worse than waking up and thinking you’ve done this wonderful thing.
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And then Uncle Sam says, “Oh, you owe us $128,000 and you did not set that aside or
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pay that.”
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And everyone thinks when you win the lottery that the government comes in and they just
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take all their money.
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They took some, but it wasn’t enough.
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And therefore he had thought because they had come in and taken some of the money, he
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had it calculated as taxes.
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And therefore he just thought he had it all in control and it wasn’t quite in control
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as he thought.
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So again, making sure you understand how that works.
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And then there are several new rules involving cryptocurrency and other digital assets that
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are still involving.
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We know that, you know, things are transactions involving that may affect your tax planning
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this year.
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If you’re a freelancer, sole proprietor, small business owner, and you receive 10,000 or
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more cryptocurrency in a single transaction, you may need to be reporting that to the Department
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of Treasury on the 8300 form.
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Now a lot of people may not have known that.
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We as business owners, especially ones, I will say my business does not generate that
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kind of cash, but let’s say you’re a restaurant owner or trying to think of something, something
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that generates a lot of cash.
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And so you want to go to the bank and put $10,000 in the bank and you need to provide
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the bank basically where you received the money from.
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It could be cash from the sales in a restaurant.
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It could be from selling a vehicle.
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If you’re a used car guy and maybe someone brings in cash to you, you then turn around
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deposit it in the bank.
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There’s nothing wrong with it, but there is a form that has to be completed every time
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we have $10,000 in a one transaction in cash.
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Now if it’s a check or if it’s some other format, then normally we don’t have to worry
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about it because it has to go through the banking system.
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But they’re saying now if you are an individual that is accepting cryptocurrency in your business,
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I mean I know everyone thinks that because they’re doing cryptocurrency that somehow
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it’s not going to be trackable, that it’s cash in essence, that no one’s going to know,
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but it’s digital currency.
17:26.580 –> 17:32.900
A, it’s definitely not cash, at least with cash we know that the currency isn’t probably
17:32.900 –> 17:38.980
trackable until that person puts it in the bank, or I will say the IRS also does means
17:38.980 –> 17:39.980
17:39.980 –> 17:44.980
So if you’re living in a different manner, prime example is a lot of times the IRS will
17:44.980 –> 17:48.980
actually do spot checks on audits and they’ll drive by the people’s house.
17:48.980 –> 17:54.180
And if that person lives in a mansion with three or four sports cars and they say that
17:54.180 –> 17:59.660
they don’t have enough money to pay the IRS, one hand is it, how did you afford all this?
17:59.660 –> 18:02.740
And yet you say you’re only making $25,000 a year.
18:02.740 –> 18:05.940
You know, I mean the numbers don’t match up.
18:05.940 –> 18:09.340
So that’s the same problem that people are going to have with cryptocurrency.
18:09.340 –> 18:14.200
No, the IRS may not have all of the access to the wallets yet.
18:14.200 –> 18:16.540
That’s obvious in some of the situations.
18:16.540 –> 18:22.020
But if your lifestyle, if you’re out buying and selling and trading and using that money
18:22.020 –> 18:26.820
to do something, and then you as the small business owner like myself, if I were to have
18:26.820 –> 18:34.000
one transaction that is $10,000 or more, I have to report that even though it’s cryptocurrency.
18:34.000 –> 18:36.940
Because if I don’t, the IRS audits me.
18:36.940 –> 18:39.620
Now they’re going to see that there was unreported income.
18:39.620 –> 18:43.540
Even if you report it, you didn’t report it properly in the way it was.
18:43.540 –> 18:46.860
This reporting for digital is somewhat similar to the cash.
18:46.860 –> 18:48.820
It’s a banking law.
18:48.820 –> 18:52.980
And I do want to bring up the BOI, the business owner information.
18:52.980 –> 18:58.820
Don’t forget as any kind of small business, I mean, I guess all business, 1120, 1120s
18:58.820 –> 19:04.700
and 1065s, which would be limited liability companies as well as partnerships, corporations,
19:04.700 –> 19:06.900
all of them, you have a responsibility.
19:06.900 –> 19:13.100
It goes also under the foreign banking, the foreign banking center or whatever, but as
19:13.100 –> 19:14.620
part of the IRS.
19:14.620 –> 19:21.420
And that is required for anyone that opened a business prior to this year, you have until
19:21.420 –> 19:26.500
December 31st, basically to, to file this report.
19:26.500 –> 19:28.020
It’s not a hard report.
19:28.020 –> 19:31.060
It’s a little bit time consuming, but it’s not a hard report.
19:31.060 –> 19:34.820
Basically you have to have every partner’s driver’s license or passport.
19:34.820 –> 19:37.180
Most of the information is on those.
19:37.180 –> 19:38.920
And you’d be able to file this.
19:38.920 –> 19:47.580
If you don’t, the penalty is $500 a day, a day people, this isn’t a one-time penalty.
19:47.580 –> 19:48.580
It is a day.
19:48.580 –> 19:52.900
Now I’m sure that’s may or may not be hold up at court, but it doesn’t make a difference.
19:52.900 –> 19:54.380
We prefer to avoid those.
19:54.380 –> 20:01.940
So make sure that you have filed the BOI business ownership information by that time.
20:01.940 –> 20:06.740
If you haven’t, then you need to, you know, you can call our office, we’re filing them
20:06.740 –> 20:10.180
or if you need assistance or whatever, but it’s really, really important.
20:10.180 –> 20:13.860
This is one of those that you don’t want to be late to the party kind of situation.
20:13.860 –> 20:17.580
Because to my knowledge, there’s no waiver available for that.
20:17.580 –> 20:24.060
If you have opened the company in this year, you only have 30, 60 days, I believe 60 days,
20:24.060 –> 20:26.820
maybe it’s 90 thereabouts to file this form.
20:26.820 –> 20:29.100
So it needs to be filed ASAP.
20:29.100 –> 20:33.000
Pretty much as soon as you open the company, you should be filing the BOIs.
20:33.000 –> 20:34.000
It’s that simple.
20:34.000 –> 20:39.600
That way it’s just like getting your secretary of state, federal ID number, getting your,
20:39.600 –> 20:41.620
you know, franchise excise numbers.
20:41.620 –> 20:45.900
That should be the same time that you get all that, that you’re also getting this file
20:45.900 –> 20:46.900
20:46.900 –> 20:48.780
To my knowledge, it’s a one-time situation.
20:48.780 –> 20:50.260
We don’t have to file it every year.
20:50.260 –> 20:52.540
It’s not like an annual report.
20:52.540 –> 20:57.340
At the moment, it’s easily falling under just the situation that you want to be able to
20:57.340 –> 20:59.540
do what you’re doing now.
20:59.540 –> 21:04.060
So just, you know, putting it out there, keeping it real for you guys.
21:04.060 –> 21:11.420
If you have any questions, you can certainly join the show at 615-737-9986.
21:11.420 –> 21:20.260
Taking your calls, talking about all the funny things.
21:20.260 –> 21:25.300
Tax code, just so you know, in 2024, you’re going to basically have a single filers that
21:25.300 –> 21:30.740
will make up to probably tax brackets.
21:30.740 –> 21:31.740
Here we go.
21:31.740 –> 21:42.980
22% starts at $47,150 for a single person and $94,300 for a married and 24%, $100,000
21:42.980 –> 21:46.520
for a single person, $200,000 for a married.
21:46.520 –> 21:52.100
Penalty tax penalty really doesn’t start kicking in until the 37% tax bracket.
21:52.100 –> 21:58.380
At that point, it’s a single person will do better than a married couple at that rate.
21:58.380 –> 22:02.540
But other than that, it’s pretty much, you know, 100 here, 200 for married, which makes
22:02.540 –> 22:03.540
22:03.540 –> 22:04.820
All of those are important.
22:04.820 –> 22:08.700
Don’t forget to step up if you have a 401k and you’re over 50 years old.
22:08.700 –> 22:11.820
You also have the additional 7,000 that you can put in.
22:11.820 –> 22:14.500
So that’s pre-taxed.
22:14.500 –> 22:17.980
Always tell people if you’re dealing with anything where maybe you’re getting money
22:17.980 –> 22:22.420
from one side and you really just want to roll more money into retirement, play the
22:22.420 –> 22:23.420
22:23.420 –> 22:31.340
If you inherit $20,000 and maybe it’s an IRA where it’s taxable, increase your 401k
22:31.340 –> 22:36.380
so that 20 grand will come out on your check and therefore your payroll taxes or your actual
22:36.380 –> 22:40.480
tax bill will not be much higher than what it would have normally been.
22:40.480 –> 22:43.660
Make sure your withholding stays up to what the standard is.
22:43.660 –> 22:47.820
But it is a way of, and then now your money’s in a tax deferred just like it was when you
22:47.820 –> 22:50.740
inherited and you’re not really changing your lifestyle.
22:50.740 –> 22:54.100
It just makes life a little simpler in that situation.
22:54.100 –> 22:57.900
So again, making sure that you have that health savings account.
22:57.900 –> 23:04.600
Like I said, if they’re eligible to catch up $1,000 if you’re 55 or older and not enrolled
23:04.600 –> 23:10.140
in Medicare, remember a health savings account, you have to stop contributing to when you
23:10.140 –> 23:11.740
start Medicare.
23:11.740 –> 23:18.580
So usually that’s 65 unless you’re disabled or you have some other situation where you’re
23:18.580 –> 23:20.780
on disability or something like that.
23:20.780 –> 23:21.780
So we’ll have that.
23:21.780 –> 23:24.780
All right, while we get ready, we’re going to take another quick break here.
23:24.780 –> 23:27.140
When we get back, we’ll get to the phone lines.
23:27.140 –> 23:29.860
If Dan can hold through, that would be awesome.
23:29.860 –> 23:42.820
You can reach us here live in the studio at 615-737-9986.
23:42.820 –> 23:43.820
We’ll take your calls.
23:43.820 –> 23:46.900
We’ll try to do our best to get this information.
23:46.900 –> 23:51.940
I’m an enrolled agent licensed by the Internal Revenue Service to do taxes and representation.
23:51.940 –> 23:53.100
That’s what I do.
23:53.100 –> 23:58.420
So if you have tax issues, you have love letters coming, just also keep always in mind that
23:58.420 –> 24:03.580
when we are dealing with a resolution situation, it is not going to be a fast resolution.
24:03.580 –> 24:08.100
Unfortunately, I’ve got cases that have been open for a number of years.
24:08.100 –> 24:10.020
So just stay tuned and we’ll keep up.
24:10.020 –> 24:12.340
We’ll be right back with the Dr. Friday Show.
24:12.340 –> 24:16.260
All righty, we are back here live in studio.
24:16.260 –> 24:18.700
We’re going to be thankful that Dan held through that break.
24:18.700 –> 24:21.860
And let’s go ahead and go live to Dan and see if I can help him out.
24:21.860 –> 24:22.860
Hey, Dan.
24:22.860 –> 24:23.860
Hey there, Freddie.
24:23.860 –> 24:24.860
Thanks for taking the call.
24:24.860 –> 24:27.860
Quick question, and I’ll take it off the air if you need me to.
24:27.860 –> 24:28.860
I’m driving.
24:28.860 –> 24:30.860
I’ll be turning 73 next year, but I’m still working.
24:30.860 –> 24:35.940
Can I still contribute to my 401k while I’m also taking RMDs?
24:35.940 –> 24:38.900
Yeah, it’s a crazy world, huh?
24:38.900 –> 24:40.220
So yes, you’re not…
24:40.220 –> 24:44.180
For one, if the 401k is with the company you’re still working with, you’re not even required
24:44.180 –> 24:48.860
to take an RMD on it and you can still contribute under the current laws.
24:48.860 –> 24:49.860
I’m self-employed.
24:49.860 –> 24:52.420
You’re self-employed, so that’s a SEP.
24:52.420 –> 24:58.100
And so as long as you will, I think you still have to take RMDs on a SEP, but you can still
24:58.100 –> 25:03.020
contribute to a SEP at 73 because you are still working.
25:03.020 –> 25:04.020
25:04.020 –> 25:05.020
Good to hear.
25:05.020 –> 25:06.020
Thank you.
25:06.020 –> 25:07.020
No problem, mate.
25:07.020 –> 25:08.020
Thanks for the phone call.
25:08.020 –> 25:09.020
Appreciate it.
25:09.020 –> 25:10.020
All right.
25:10.020 –> 25:11.020
25:11.020 –> 25:12.020
Thanks, babe.
25:12.020 –> 25:13.020
And we got Mac in Nashville.
25:13.020 –> 25:14.020
Let’s see if I can help Mac.
25:14.020 –> 25:15.020
Hey, thank you for taking my call.
25:15.020 –> 25:16.020
I got a question about the BOI.
25:16.020 –> 25:27.860
I’ve had my business for like 21 years, so I never filed a BOI.
25:27.860 –> 25:34.540
No, this is a brand new law that came in effect last year and they gave us until December
25:34.540 –> 25:36.020
of this year to make…
25:36.020 –> 25:39.060
Well, actually it came in effect January or February of this year.
25:39.060 –> 25:40.700
Time flies when I’m having fun.
25:40.700 –> 25:44.020
Because they basically gave us 12 months to make this happen.
25:44.020 –> 25:45.020
So agreed.
25:45.020 –> 25:46.500
We never had a BOI.
25:46.500 –> 25:47.900
We’ve never had to deal with it.
25:47.900 –> 25:51.740
I’ve been in business almost 30 years, never filed one before.
25:51.740 –> 25:53.860
This is something to do with foreign banking.
25:53.860 –> 25:58.020
I think they’re looking, my personal opinion, because when filling out these forms, they’re
25:58.020 –> 26:04.660
trying to prove that the people that are claiming these K-1s are US citizens or that they’re
26:04.660 –> 26:10.780
claimed properly on the K-1s because you have to have a passport or a driver’s license.
26:10.780 –> 26:17.780
So basically is it for sole proprietor or just LLC?
26:17.780 –> 26:20.620
No, 1060, yeah, it has to be an entity.
26:20.620 –> 26:26.260
So 1065 form, 1120 form or 1120S, sole proprietors do not have to do it.
26:26.260 –> 26:28.500
Okay, that was my question.
26:28.500 –> 26:31.180
Okay, so it’s just LLC and corporations.
26:31.180 –> 26:32.180
26:32.180 –> 26:35.180
So it has to be a multi-member LLC, not a single member.
26:35.180 –> 26:36.180
Copy that.
26:36.180 –> 26:37.180
Thank you so much.
26:37.180 –> 26:38.180
We love your show.
26:38.180 –> 26:39.180
Thanks, Mac.
26:39.180 –> 26:40.180
I appreciate it.
26:40.180 –> 26:41.180
Thank you for calling.
26:41.180 –> 26:42.180
All righty.
26:42.180 –> 26:44.020
So those were great questions.
26:44.020 –> 26:48.500
And I know the whole BOI, in my opinion, never knew what it was.
26:48.500 –> 26:51.180
Wasn’t even thinking we were going to have to do anything with it because I’m thinking
26:51.180 –> 26:53.580
it’s not really an accounting thing.
26:53.580 –> 26:57.900
But most of my clients are the same as myself, which basically means we’re pushing it to
26:57.900 –> 27:00.620
someone that hopefully understands it.
27:00.620 –> 27:04.140
A lot of them are like, “Well, what if we don’t want to do it?”
27:04.140 –> 27:08.960
I don’t believe, in my opinion, maybe there’s someone listening that knows more of this.
27:08.960 –> 27:11.140
I don’t think we have an option.
27:11.140 –> 27:12.500
I think we have to file it.
27:12.500 –> 27:18.200
There are a few industries that are not required to file it, mostly financial insurance where
27:18.200 –> 27:22.580
I think their licensing usually already covers this information, so they’re not required
27:22.580 –> 27:23.900
to have to do this.
27:23.900 –> 27:29.340
But most small businesses or medium or large businesses, whatever, do have to do this kind
27:29.340 –> 27:30.340
of thing.
27:30.340 –> 27:33.660
I think on the stock market, you’ve already filed a lot of this information because public
27:33.660 –> 27:37.620
trading requires certain exposure.
27:37.620 –> 27:42.580
But most of the companies I deal with are privately owned, small business, and therefore
27:42.580 –> 27:44.140
you have…
27:44.140 –> 27:45.140
We’ve never did this.
27:45.140 –> 27:47.540
We never had to do this information.
27:47.540 –> 27:51.620
And it may be also another way of somehow then matching up if money is coming in and
27:51.620 –> 27:53.220
out from overseas.
27:53.220 –> 27:54.460
I really don’t know.
27:54.460 –> 27:59.180
It has to do with the foreign banking, so it has to have something to do with foreign
27:59.180 –> 28:04.340
government of some sort.
28:04.340 –> 28:08.100
The FUBAR is what we called it, federal banking, foreign banking.
28:08.100 –> 28:12.500
We do file that for individuals that have bank accounts in other places like Australia
28:12.500 –> 28:14.300
or Canada mainly.
28:14.300 –> 28:18.700
I’ve got one in Australia, one in Canada, and a couple over in India.
28:18.700 –> 28:23.140
And so we have to file that mostly reporting information that if we earn any interest or
28:23.140 –> 28:27.780
dividends that money has to be taxed here in the United States on your US tax return.
28:27.780 –> 28:34.940
So those are important things, but we’ve never had that same reporting unless you have a
28:34.940 –> 28:37.080
foreign banking account in a business.
28:37.080 –> 28:41.460
But again, that doesn’t apply to any client that I know of in my world.
28:41.460 –> 28:42.580
Doesn’t mean that it’s not out there.
28:42.580 –> 28:47.100
So again, just be careful because the penalties can add up on these things.
28:47.100 –> 28:51.300
And a lot of times people are like, “Oh, I never heard of it, so I don’t want my people
28:51.300 –> 28:52.300
to say that.”
28:52.300 –> 28:55.540
I don’t want you to basically say, “Oh my gosh, I didn’t know there was this thing and
28:55.540 –> 28:58.780
now you got a letter in the mail and you’re sitting there going, ‘How am I going to get
28:58.780 –> 28:59.780
28:59.780 –> 29:05.500
And they’re not sending out letters at this time saying, “Well, you are required to file.”
29:05.500 –> 29:10.780
Like Tennessee Department of Revenue, I know a lot of you guys got that whole franchise
29:10.780 –> 29:15.740
excise and the whole, “You should be able to get a refund.”
29:15.740 –> 29:18.380
And to be quite honest, I have found some.
29:18.380 –> 29:22.580
Yeah, some of my clients have, but a large number of them did not qualify because they
29:22.580 –> 29:28.060
had already basically paid the minimum amount or the change was minimal and it wasn’t a
29:28.060 –> 29:32.340
change in taxes because they hadn’t reported their net worth, but yet they reported the
29:32.340 –> 29:33.340
Schedule G.
29:33.340 –> 29:38.260
So when you reported it the other way, it really had zero to no change on it.
29:38.260 –> 29:44.460
So again, but if you are, and remember that has to be filed by November.
29:44.460 –> 29:53.500
If you need to file the amendment 2020 through 2023 for the new tax law that was passed here
29:53.500 –> 29:59.620
in Tennessee for franchise excise, many people took away from that, that there is no franchise
29:59.620 –> 30:00.620
30:00.620 –> 30:02.140
That is completely wrong.
30:02.140 –> 30:08.860
All that happened was they eliminated the Schedule G from the franchise and excise report.
30:08.860 –> 30:11.540
Franchise and excise is still going strong, people.
30:11.540 –> 30:13.220
It has not changed.
30:13.220 –> 30:15.020
You will still need to make your quarterly.
30:15.020 –> 30:16.540
You still need to pay it.
30:16.540 –> 30:20.860
The difference is you may be paying a little less if you were actually doing it.
30:20.860 –> 30:24.020
Like some of my clients, the ones that have the large refunds is because they had the
30:24.020 –> 30:30.460
net worth and the Schedule G fully completed and therefore they were being taxed too high
30:30.460 –> 30:32.340
on those situations.
30:32.340 –> 30:38.700
If the business is closed, you can still go back to ’22, ’21, ’22, whatever year it was,
30:38.700 –> 30:41.540
and apply for those rebates.
30:41.540 –> 30:48.700
You will need a balance sheet for the final reconciliation, the IRS, or a copy of your
30:48.700 –> 30:53.300
business return if a balance sheet was completed on that.
30:53.300 –> 30:56.740
That’s what we’re using a lot of because some of my clients don’t actually have balance
30:56.740 –> 30:58.020
30:58.020 –> 30:59.300
That’s easy for them to prepare.
30:59.300 –> 31:02.980
Many of them have profit and loss, but not active balance sheets.
31:02.980 –> 31:05.300
The tax returns we’ve created will have them.
31:05.300 –> 31:06.500
That is something.
31:06.500 –> 31:08.660
That is an important part of doing everything.
31:08.660 –> 31:13.420
Again, if you have any questions, you need to know something, you can certainly call
31:13.420 –> 31:18.900
our office Monday morning and we’d be more than glad to try to help you understand where
31:18.900 –> 31:19.900
we’re going.
31:19.900 –> 31:22.540
Again, I am called Dr. Friday.
31:22.540 –> 31:24.180
That’s actually my first name is Friday.
31:24.180 –> 31:25.620
My last name is Burke.
31:25.620 –> 31:31.980
I’m an enrolled agent licensed by the Internal Revenue Service to do taxes and representation.
31:31.980 –> 31:36.900
If you need help filing taxes, you haven’t filed taxes for a number of years, maybe you’re
31:36.900 –> 31:40.300
relocated a lot and you don’t even know where to start.
31:40.300 –> 31:41.620
Maybe you’ve received some love letter.
31:41.620 –> 31:45.420
Maybe you’ve never received a love letter from the IRS, but you know you haven’t filed
31:45.420 –> 31:48.980
taxes and therefore you might have a problem.
31:48.980 –> 31:55.220
This couple that just came in this last couple of weeks, they came in because their son is
31:55.220 –> 32:00.860
at an age where they’re going to have to do FASFA, which is just opening up or something.
32:00.860 –> 32:02.460
They hadn’t filed taxes.
32:02.460 –> 32:07.900
In this case, it was not a good thing because they had refunds every year, but they kind
32:07.900 –> 32:12.540
of didn’t want to deal with the government and everyone’s got their own keen way of doing
32:12.540 –> 32:13.540
32:13.540 –> 32:16.580
I mean, you know, I mean they didn’t want anything from the government as long as they
32:16.580 –> 32:17.580
paid in enough.
32:17.580 –> 32:18.580
They were happy.
32:18.580 –> 32:20.220
They didn’t care about the rest.
32:20.220 –> 32:25.220
Only reason they’re doing it is because their son needs to file for FASFA to get his college
32:25.220 –> 32:30.180
straightened out, which pretty cool parents, but in the same way, they had left quite a
32:30.180 –> 32:35.340
bit of money on the table throughout the last number of years they had to file.
32:35.340 –> 32:36.700
So that could be you.
32:36.700 –> 32:40.340
I will tell you that’s happened more times than I like to say, because a lot of times
32:40.340 –> 32:46.700
people that don’t file taxes are W-2 individuals, so they’re paying in taxes and you know, they
32:46.700 –> 32:52.580
sometimes don’t worry about, but remember we can only get refunds for three years, 21,
32:52.580 –> 32:54.220
22, and 23.
32:54.220 –> 32:56.220
That is it.
32:56.220 –> 33:02.580
If you filed an extension on 20, you may qualify if you get it in or out, a legal extension,
33:02.580 –> 33:05.280
but basically they give you three years.
33:05.280 –> 33:11.100
So in three years, if you haven’t filed them, they’ll take your return.
33:11.100 –> 33:13.180
They’ll keep the refund.
33:13.180 –> 33:16.460
And then, you know, in some cases, of course they may have assessed something and we can
33:16.460 –> 33:21.220
zero that out so you don’t owe anything, but it’s not going to be a situation where you’re
33:21.220 –> 33:22.460
going to get that money back.
33:22.460 –> 33:28.180
I’ve had people leave thousands of dollars on the table, especially when 20, because
33:28.180 –> 33:32.020
2020 was a COVID year where a lot of money was coming from the government and some of
33:32.020 –> 33:34.580
these people did not qualify for the stimulus.
33:34.580 –> 33:39.220
I mean like they hadn’t filed 17, 18, or 19, so they weren’t on the list, so they never
33:39.220 –> 33:40.580
received it.
33:40.580 –> 33:44.300
So 21 is almost off the table.
33:44.300 –> 33:50.500
So that’s kind of important as well is to make sure that you, you know, if 21 also had
33:50.500 –> 33:58.540
stimulus money and you want to really make sure that you have this all done now to, you
33:58.540 –> 34:03.900
know, to deal with, because if you wait, if you don’t, if you don’t do anything, it’s
34:03.900 –> 34:06.480
going to happen and you’re just going to leave the money on the table.
34:06.480 –> 34:07.740
It’s really that simple.
34:07.740 –> 34:12.060
So you don’t have that big a window to get 2021.
34:12.060 –> 34:15.300
And like I said, the last stimulus check came in 2021.
34:15.300 –> 34:20.700
So if you didn’t get your 2020s and you’re still wanting to see if you can qualify, then
34:20.700 –> 34:23.740
2021 will be the last year you qualify for that.
34:23.740 –> 34:24.740
All right.
34:24.740 –> 34:31.620
If you’ve got a question, you can reach us live here in studio at 615-737-9986.
34:31.620 –> 34:37.500
615-737-9986 is the number here in the studio.
34:37.500 –> 34:41.940
We like to take your calls, hopefully at least give you the right basic information so that
34:41.940 –> 34:45.980
you can go forward, make sure you understand what your options are.
34:45.980 –> 34:46.980
Who knows?
34:46.980 –> 34:52.380
You know, if nothing else, I just want you to be able to know when you go make a decision,
34:52.380 –> 34:54.180
what’s that going to be a tax on?
34:54.180 –> 34:57.860
If it’s even taxable, is it something you need to be saving a portion?
34:57.860 –> 35:01.380
Because there’s nothing worse than when you prepare someone’s taxes and then at the end
35:01.380 –> 35:05.740
of the year, they turn around and say, I have to say, well, you owe $10,000.
35:05.740 –> 35:07.620
And they’re like, oh my gosh, you know, why?
35:07.620 –> 35:08.620
Or whatever.
35:08.620 –> 35:14.820
And that’s because there was no planning done prior to the whole organizing of this situation.
35:14.820 –> 35:15.820
35:15.820 –> 35:19.740
I mean, they didn’t have any idea where they’re at, what they’re doing or anything else.
35:19.740 –> 35:24.540
So it’s important that you basically know how much money something’s going to cost.
35:24.540 –> 35:31.580
So if you inherit or if you have traditional trading or if you sell a piece of real estate,
35:31.580 –> 35:37.340
your primary home, whatever it might be, it’s important that you understand what that is,
35:37.340 –> 35:40.740
how it’s going to happen and where it’s going to come through, because that’s the important
35:40.740 –> 35:41.740
35:41.740 –> 35:46.300
You don’t want to just sit there and say, oh my gosh, and then get hit back a tax time
35:46.300 –> 35:50.380
when you’ve already reinvested or put that money into some sort of situation where you
35:50.380 –> 35:54.820
may not have the ability to actually get it out without penalties.
35:54.820 –> 35:55.820
That’s a problem.
35:55.820 –> 35:56.820
All right.
35:56.820 –> 35:59.340
Teresa and Tim, if you can hold through this last break, we’ll have plenty of time to answer
35:59.340 –> 36:02.500
your questions when we come back to the show.
36:02.500 –> 36:09.220
If you want to join us on the phone before the end, 615-737-9986.
36:09.220 –> 36:13.980
36:13.980 –> 36:17.220
As an enrolled agent, the IRS has requirements.
36:17.220 –> 36:18.380
We have to take license.
36:18.380 –> 36:21.660
We have to keep current with all the tax laws.
36:21.660 –> 36:26.660
That’s what makes us different than CPAs or tax preparers is that all we do is taxes.
36:26.660 –> 36:29.620
So we’ll be right back with the Dr. Friday Show.
36:29.620 –> 36:34.860
For tax services, planning, business, and IRS negotiation, visit drfriday.com.
36:34.860 –> 36:35.860
All righty.
36:35.860 –> 36:47.380
We are back live here in the studio and we’ve got a few people on the phone line.
36:47.380 –> 36:51.860
So let’s hit Teresa and see if I can help her with her question.
36:51.860 –> 36:53.420
Hey, Teresa.
36:53.420 –> 36:54.420
36:54.420 –> 37:03.740
My question is, my mother passed away last year in 2023 and I inherited the property.
37:03.740 –> 37:08.660
And I’m going to sell that property, but the way property is selling now, it’s not selling
37:08.660 –> 37:09.660
all that fast.
37:09.660 –> 37:17.580
So I’m wondering how long do I have to sell it before I have to revert back to their basis?
37:17.580 –> 37:19.260
There’s no time clock.
37:19.260 –> 37:20.660
You inherited it from them.
37:20.660 –> 37:25.700
So whatever the basis was at the time they passed away, whatever the value of the home
37:25.700 –> 37:31.220
was when they passed away, Teresa, will always be your basis now and forever.
37:31.220 –> 37:37.860
So I was under the impression that it would revert back after about three years.
37:37.860 –> 37:40.900
And I thought, man, that’s huge capital gains.
37:40.900 –> 37:41.900
37:42.900 –> 37:44.080
And it’s almost impossible to know.
37:44.080 –> 37:47.820
That’s one of the reasons they put that law is because it’s impossible for us to know
37:47.820 –> 37:48.820
how much the parents…
37:48.820 –> 37:51.100
Some people are good at paperwork, but some are not.
37:51.100 –> 37:54.600
But anyways, you have no time limit on that, Teresa.
37:54.600 –> 38:00.020
Whatever it was, whatever the appraisal came in at or comps or whatever you’re using, whatever
38:00.020 –> 38:06.260
that is, is what you want to keep on file so that when you do sell or turn into rental,
38:06.260 –> 38:09.420
whatever you decide to do, it will always be that dollar amount.
38:09.420 –> 38:10.420
38:10.420 –> 38:15.620
Do I have to have a professional appraisal of that or…
38:15.620 –> 38:20.100
Really it’d be a nice appraisal or at least a real estate person that’s giving you like
38:20.100 –> 38:22.820
kind comps, something that’s documented.
38:22.820 –> 38:25.420
So that way you have some true basis.
38:25.420 –> 38:26.420
38:27.420 –> 38:28.420
That’s what I needed to know.
38:28.420 –> 38:29.420
38:29.420 –> 38:30.420
All right.
38:30.420 –> 38:31.420
Thank you.
38:31.420 –> 38:32.420
Thank you for holding.
38:32.420 –> 38:33.420
38:33.420 –> 38:34.420
Thank you.
38:34.420 –> 38:35.420
Let’s get Tim from the IRS.
38:35.420 –> 38:36.420
Tim, about my favorite people.
38:36.420 –> 38:37.420
Hey, Tim, what’s happening?
38:37.420 –> 38:38.420
Yes, ma’am.
38:38.420 –> 38:44.860
I went ahead and back in my file, my 2023 taxes.
38:44.860 –> 38:45.860
I paid them.
38:45.860 –> 38:46.860
Their payment plan got submitted.
38:46.860 –> 38:53.380
However, I went ahead and wrote the IRS a check for the payment amount and I’ve got
38:53.380 –> 38:56.380
a canceled copy of the canceled check.
38:56.380 –> 39:01.540
But they keep sending me letters telling me I owe them this much more money.
39:01.540 –> 39:06.160
What kind of suggestions have you got that I might do to fix this problem?
39:06.160 –> 39:07.160
So there’s two.
39:07.160 –> 39:09.980
One is the different penalties and interest.
39:09.980 –> 39:13.740
Have they posted your payment and they’re just looking for additional money or are they
39:13.740 –> 39:16.660
not posted the payment you made?
39:16.660 –> 39:21.500
I don’t believe they recognize the payment that was made at all or one part of the IRS
39:21.500 –> 39:22.500
has not.
39:22.500 –> 39:28.740
So your best bet is to get a copy of the front and back of that check, attach it to the last
39:28.740 –> 39:33.140
love letter and say, please look a bit on the back of the check when you’re looking
39:33.140 –> 39:35.140
at the banking stuff.
39:35.140 –> 39:42.340
A lot of times you’ll see some dates like 12/31/2023.
39:42.340 –> 39:48.100
They may have put it into 2024 because you paid it in the year of 24 and there was nothing
39:48.100 –> 39:50.340
on the check telling him it should be for 23.
39:50.340 –> 39:52.860
It happens all the time, Tim.
39:52.860 –> 39:56.740
So it may be that the money is just sitting in the wrong year.
39:56.740 –> 40:00.180
Another thing to do would be just to try to call the 1-800 number.
40:00.180 –> 40:04.260
I know it’s going to be tedious, but if you call that, you might find out that the person’s
40:04.260 –> 40:06.580
good enough on the phone that, oh yeah, I see that payment.
40:06.580 –> 40:07.580
We posted it here.
40:07.580 –> 40:08.780
We’ll move it.
40:08.780 –> 40:13.500
But either way, you’re probably looking at the payment might be posted in the wrong year.
40:13.500 –> 40:14.500
40:14.500 –> 40:19.180
So again, just get a copy of the front and the back of the canceled check and send it
40:19.180 –> 40:24.540
back with the love letter or just call them and talk it through with them.
40:24.540 –> 40:25.540
40:25.540 –> 40:28.540
And I would probably still have a copy of that check because that way you know you’ve
40:28.540 –> 40:30.840
got proof in front of you that the payment cleared.
40:30.840 –> 40:34.140
You know that, but this way you’ve got the proof and you can read that information on
40:34.140 –> 40:37.900
the back of the check to the person and they should be able to find it because it would
40:37.900 –> 40:41.860
have your social security number, the date, and that way it’s probably just missed the
40:41.860 –> 40:42.860
40:42.860 –> 40:43.860
It happens a lot.
40:43.860 –> 40:44.860
Yes, ma’am.
40:44.860 –> 40:45.860
All right.
40:45.860 –> 40:46.860
Thank you so much.
40:46.860 –> 40:47.860
I appreciate your help.
40:47.860 –> 40:48.860
Enjoy your show too.
40:48.860 –> 40:49.860
Thanks, Tim.
40:49.860 –> 40:50.860
I appreciate you.
40:50.860 –> 40:51.860
Let’s hear it.
40:51.860 –> 40:52.860
Val in my town, Spring Hill.
40:52.860 –> 40:53.860
Hey, Val.
40:53.860 –> 40:54.860
Hey, Dr. Friday.
40:54.860 –> 41:02.300
I have a question that’s probably not too complex, but I need a little advice.
41:02.300 –> 41:06.180
I retired first full year of retirement.
41:06.180 –> 41:17.300
We took a small payment out of the IRA and I make about $10,000 in interest from investment.
41:17.300 –> 41:25.820
So I think our total income is going to be about $18,000 maybe between my wife and I.
41:25.820 –> 41:26.820
How about social security?
41:26.820 –> 41:33.700
If I can owe money, we make about $5,200 a month in social security.
41:33.700 –> 41:39.780
But your total other income would be totally 18K before that, right?
41:39.780 –> 41:40.780
41:40.780 –> 41:45.460
My wife and I jointly.
41:45.460 –> 41:51.220
And I’m not sure if I have to send a payment in or how to do that.
41:51.220 –> 41:56.420
So about 50% of your social security is going to be taxed.
41:56.420 –> 42:01.860
So theoretically, you’re going to have about $50,000 and we’re going to take off 30.
42:01.860 –> 42:06.660
So you are looking at about, and this is a rough number, mate, you know, just working
42:06.660 –> 42:14.700
but 20,000 at 12% and 12% of probably like you’re probably looking at about 2000.
42:14.700 –> 42:16.500
So I mean, it’s still petty.
42:16.500 –> 42:20.540
I mean, I don’t mean but it’s still a low dollar amount, but I would expect for you
42:20.540 –> 42:25.540
to owe somewhere between two to $3,000 when you file your taxes.
42:25.540 –> 42:30.860
Okay, now do I have to, you know, you were going to answer that, I was like, do I send
42:30.860 –> 42:33.700
that now or just wait till I file my taxes?
42:33.700 –> 42:34.700
42:34.700 –> 42:40.700
So the good news is I’m going to, well, the bad news in 2023, when you filed your taxes,
42:40.700 –> 42:42.180
you probably were still working.
42:42.180 –> 42:43.980
So your income was higher.
42:43.980 –> 42:44.980
42:44.980 –> 42:46.380
I’m guessing.
42:46.380 –> 42:53.420
So my answer is you’d want to at least send the least to send like $2,000 before the January
42:53.420 –> 42:59.180
15th final payment, because theoretically, we have to pay 100% of the year before or
42:59.180 –> 43:00.300
the amount due.
43:00.300 –> 43:03.580
So you can make that choice how you want to do it.
43:03.580 –> 43:05.460
Because I don’t want to pay a penalty.
43:05.460 –> 43:08.660
That’s really why I’m just having you send the money early because otherwise they could
43:08.660 –> 43:11.060
try to penalize us if you wait till April 15th.
43:11.060 –> 43:15.540
Okay, so but I could do at the end of the year be fine.
43:15.540 –> 43:18.540
How do you even do that?
43:18.540 –> 43:21.540
I mean, I’ve never made a payment.
43:21.540 –> 43:24.540
I mean, I’m going to send you an email.
43:24.540 –> 43:25.540
So go to irs.gov.
43:25.540 –> 43:27.620
You’re going to click on the word pay.
43:27.620 –> 43:29.140
And you have two options.
43:29.140 –> 43:31.860
I always do ACH because it’s free.
43:31.860 –> 43:34.420
But you can also use a credit card.
43:34.420 –> 43:37.660
And so you just choose I would choose ACH.
43:37.660 –> 43:41.140
And then the first page it comes up, it asks you three questions.
43:41.140 –> 43:46.100
It’s going to be a 1040 ES, which is estimated voucher.
43:46.100 –> 43:54.220
It’s going to be and then it’s going to automatically pull up the 2024 and the tax form is a 1040.
43:54.220 –> 43:57.980
It’s going to ask what type of tax form and then it’s going to ask you this and the tax
43:57.980 –> 43:58.980
years for 2024.
43:58.980 –> 43:59.980
Okay, that sounds good.
43:59.980 –> 44:00.980
Thank you so much.
44:00.980 –> 44:01.980
No problem.
44:01.980 –> 44:02.980
Thanks, Val.
44:02.980 –> 44:03.980
All right, let’s see if Rita can get on really quick.
44:03.980 –> 44:04.980
We’ve only got about three minutes left.
44:04.980 –> 44:05.980
Rita, talk fast.
44:05.980 –> 44:06.980
Okay, my husband and I have been married jointly for 36 years.
44:06.980 –> 44:07.980
And we’ve been married for the last three years.
44:12.980 –> 44:16.220
And my husband and I filed jointly for 36 years.
44:16.220 –> 44:18.740
He passed away in January.
44:18.740 –> 44:21.820
And I understand I will file jointly again this year.
44:21.820 –> 44:23.780
Yes, because it was within the year.
44:23.780 –> 44:26.180
But next year, I’ll be filing as a single person.
44:26.180 –> 44:30.140
I need to know how hard that’s going to hit me.
44:30.140 –> 44:31.380
It’s going to hit you a little bit.
44:31.380 –> 44:34.860
But you’re also your income might have dropped because you might have built if you were both
44:34.860 –> 44:39.380
retired, you may have been receiving more income when he was when you were both alive.
44:39.380 –> 44:40.380
44:40.380 –> 44:42.460
That’s exactly right.
44:42.460 –> 44:43.460
That’s right.
44:43.460 –> 44:44.460
That’s for sure.
44:44.460 –> 44:49.700
Yeah, so it may not hit you as much as you think because what you lost in income you
44:49.700 –> 44:52.340
lost in content in deductions.
44:52.340 –> 44:54.780
So it may may make a very small difference.
44:54.780 –> 44:59.320
But what I would suggest doing is, if you do your own taxes, or if someone does them,
44:59.320 –> 45:04.540
you might want them when you finish 2024, have them convert and just make a few changes
45:04.540 –> 45:08.300
and just see how much so that way you can make sure you might be in a little bit of
45:08.300 –> 45:10.300
a higher tax bracket to be honest.
45:10.300 –> 45:14.300
So you might want to have 10% coming out instead of 5%.
45:14.300 –> 45:19.260
So I use my do my own taxes with TurboTax, but I can figure it with a pencil and see
45:19.260 –> 45:20.780
the difference, right?
45:20.780 –> 45:21.780
45:21.780 –> 45:25.340
So the biggest thing is you’re going to have a smaller standard deduction, right?
45:25.340 –> 45:28.620
You’re going to go in half, that’s gonna be your biggest, but you also are going to be
45:28.620 –> 45:32.300
reducing half of the Social Security, maybe some of the pensions or whatever.
45:32.300 –> 45:35.820
So when you see the difference, it may not be enough to worry about.
45:35.820 –> 45:40.880
But I think it’s great Rita that you’re thinking about it, because it’s never good news when
45:40.880 –> 45:45.540
you don’t think about it, and then you get hit with again, with having to pay taxes.
45:45.540 –> 45:48.980
And next year it might be I might have to pay quarterly, right?
45:48.980 –> 45:54.300
You might have to or adjust your withholdings on your IRAs or Social Security or something
45:54.300 –> 45:55.780
so it covers it for you.
45:55.780 –> 45:56.780
Okay, thank you.
45:56.780 –> 45:57.780
Thanks, Rita.
45:57.780 –> 45:58.780
I appreciate it.
45:58.780 –> 46:02.160
All right, guys, we have hit the end of the show.
46:02.160 –> 46:15.640
So if you want, you can give my office a call on Monday morning at 615-367-0819.
46:15.640 –> 46:19.240
I want to appreciate all of you guys calling, makes my show so much more exciting than me
46:19.240 –> 46:22.040
trying to figure out what people might be interested in.
46:22.040 –> 46:23.840
So again, thank you for calling.
46:23.840 –> 46:29.280
And then if you want to email, it’s easy, Friday@DRFriday.com.
46:29.280 –> 46:37.200
If you haven’t filed taxes, you’re not too sure, maybe you’ve got a friend or a family
46:37.200 –> 46:40.200
member and you’re like, what can we do next?
46:40.200 –> 46:43.800
The next thing you should do is set up a free consult with my office.
46:43.800 –> 46:49.760
We’re local, we’re here to help you, and we will help you resolve what issues we can if
46:49.760 –> 46:52.200
it’s something that is even something we need to deal with.
46:52.200 –> 46:57.440
It may be that there’s no issue at all, maybe that you have a large dollar amount to deal
46:57.440 –> 47:01.400
with and we need to try to find some sort of resolution.
47:01.400 –> 47:05.680
We do all initial meetings are free because unlike some of the companies that you call
47:05.680 –> 47:08.800
on the phone, the first thing they’re doing is selling you something.
47:08.800 –> 47:13.120
What we want to do is make sure that we can actually help you before we tell you or deal
47:13.120 –> 47:14.720
with the money side.
47:14.720 –> 47:19.360
Because if I can’t do any kind of resolution, what’s the purpose in billing somebody?
47:19.360 –> 47:20.640
They don’t believe that.
47:20.640 –> 47:25.220
So if you need to have help with that, or if you need help just building your business
47:25.220 –> 47:29.360
and you need to have someone help you with the accounting or tax issues that you’re dealing
47:29.360 –> 47:33.600
with, and it can be payroll tax issues, state unemployment issues, we can help you with
47:33.600 –> 47:39.280
any and all of those, making sure that everything is filed and trying to stay within compliance.
47:39.280 –> 47:54.280
Again, if you want to join us or call us, 615-367-0819, 615-367-0819, or Friday at drfriday.com, or
47:54.280 –> 47:57.800
on the web, drfriday.com.
47:57.800 –> 48:03.320
I hope you guys have an awesome Saturday, and as we always like to say from Australia,
48:03.320 –> 48:05.320
we’re going to say, “Cop!