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Dr. Friday 0:00
Good day. I’m Dr. Friday, President of Dr. Friday’s Tax and Financial firm. To get more info go to www.drfriday.com. This is a one-minute moment.
Dr. Friday 0:12
Preparing for the 2022 tax season and we are all thinking about, “Do I or do I not itemize?” So if you are a married couple under the age of 65, you have $25,900, which is up $800 from 2021. The standard deduction for a single person is 12,950 up $400. And the head of household is $19,400 up $600 from 2021. Don’t forget that you will get an additional $300 in charitable contributions. If you have questions, call us at 615-367-0819.
Announcer 0:51
You can catch the Dr. Friday call-in show live every Saturday afternoon from 2 pm to 3 pm on 99.7 WTN.