As the tax season draws to a close, it’s crucial to take action if you haven’t filed your taxes yet. If you’re unsure about completing your tax return on time, filing Form 4868 for an extension is a wise move. Even if you anticipate owing money, submitting the extension form with a partial payment demonstrates your intent to comply with tax obligations. However, it’s important to note that an extension only grants additional time for paperwork and does not extend the deadline for paying any taxes owed. If you need assistance navigating the tax filing process, don’t hesitate to seek professional help.
G’day, I’m Dr. Friday, president of Dr. Friday’s Tax and Financial Firm. To get more info, go to www.drfriday.com. This is a one minute moment.
We are getting close to the end of tax season. If you haven’t already set up your appointment you need to do it ASAP. If you’ve already started working on your taxes and you’re not sure you’re gonna get them finished, make sure you file the 4868 extension. You can’t file it too early and it doesn’t hurt if you think you’re gonna owe money even if you can’t pay the whole bill. Send in a few dollars with it. That way it makes the intent to look like you’re doing your best to try to file your taxes on time and most important pay your taxes on time. Remember when you file an extension it doesn’t extend the money you owe. It only extends the paperwork. Need help? 615-367-0819.
You can catch the Dr. Friday call-in show live every Saturday afternoon from 2 to 3 right here on 99.7 WTN.