Dr. Friday 0:00
Good day. I’m Dr. Friday president of Dr. Fridays Tax and Financial Firm. To get more info go to www.Drfriday.com. This is a one minute moment.
If you haven’t made a tax appointment at this point, you’re probably not going to be able to. You can go to Drfriday.com, see what’s available. You can also email me on Friday@drfriday.com. You’re going to want to probably file an extension you’re going to want to make sure that all your tax documents are together. If you’re a pre-existing client and you were not able to get your appointment, please contact us directly at 615-367-0819 we’ll make sure that you are taken care of. Also, you can check out the new website at drfriday.com. If there’s a radio show or tax moment that you want to hear again, all you have to do is go to the website and click on that blog or that link and that way then you’re never gonna get tired of this wonderful voice. You can reach me at Drfriday.com.
Announcer 0:52
You can catch the Dr. Friday call-in show live every Saturday afternoon from 2 to 3 pm right here on 99.7 WTN.