Dr. Friday 0:00
Good day. I’m Dr. Friday, President of Dr. Friday’s Tax and Financial firm. To get more info go to www.drfriday.com. This is a one-minute moment.
Dr. Friday 0:12
Opportunity zones. Opportunity zones are economic development tools that can be designed for you to spur more development in lower or rural areas. If you are an investor or you are someone that is looking to put some money that you might want to set aside and then pay no taxes, after five years, you might want to talk to your financial planner or actually just look up opportunity zones. There are investment funds that specialize in this and this is a great way for you to actually take money, not pay taxes today and also possibly in the future. If you’ve got questions, you can call us at 615-367-0819.
Announcer 0:51
You can catch the Dr. Friday call-in show live every Saturday afternoon from 2 pm to 3 pm on 99.7 WTN.